Two terms ago , IFMSA-Egypt witnessed a new major milestone in its capacity building journey that shaped our beloved CBSD as we know it today. The courageous General Assembly of IFMSA-Egypt’s 11th Winter Camp realized the difference between capacity building and training , and how the adoption of an integrated capacity building concept is crucial for further development and growth of our federation. The general assembly voted for changing the Training Support Division (TSD) to the Capacity Building Support Division (CBSD) ; marking the start of our capacity building journey as we know it today. From that moment forward ; tremendous efforts have been made from IFMSA-Egypt’s CB enthusiasts and members to adopt such concepts and promote the variety of our capacity building approaches and methodology. Finally , it’s with due pleasure that we invite you to have a look at our division’s achievements and highlights so that you may embark with us on the magical world of Capacity Building !

We envision a federation where all its members
have the necessary skills needed to achieve the
federation’s common vision in global health and
youth empowerment.

The goal of the CBSD is to empower the federation with the needed competencies and potentials in pursuit of the federation’s goals and ensure the creation, sustainability, and continuity of its capacity through the following:
a. Educating the members through peer education and non-formal education settings and promoting the passage of knowledge and skills across generations through, but not limited to, in-person and remote workshops, sessions, webinars, online training, and various CB strategies.
b. Developing the database of trainers skilled in non-formal and peer education methods through trainer education and professional development opportunities.
c. Maintaining the capacity relevant to the federation’s strategy through continuous education of leaders on up-to-date methodologies.
Sub-Regional Trainings (SRTs)
A Sub-Regional Training is an international meeting supported by the IFMSA, where members and motivated students from a (sub)region or sometimes even further away can meet and participate in trainings, workshops and small working groups.
SRTs in IFMSA-Egypt
IFMSA-Egypt usually hosts a couple of SRTs per term serving the federation’s neighboring NMOs, with around of 25 participant per each workshop (with a total of +275 beneficiaries for the last term)
IFMSA-Egypt Pre-Winter Camp
A Pre-GA takes place prior to the IFMSA-Egypt Second General Assembly Meeting for thirteen years so far! For the last term, within the 12th Pre-WC, We organized six international workshops. Moreover, for this term, We are organizing around eight of the IFMSA Workshops for the first time in IFMSA-Egypt!
“The Pharaoh was the first to train”; CLEOPATrain SRT was held by IFMSA-Egypt for six times, with the background of Capacity Building Event and Exchange as it is a great opportunity for the IFMSA CB Enthusiasts interested in exploring Egypt! For the last term, We organized five international workshops.

Development Through Generations
The Wave System
IFMSA-Egypt’s CB waves system has proven exceptional success , innovation and effectiveness throughout the years. Our capacity building waves target the cornerstone of our federation ; the local committee’s members. The wave system can be simply explained as an integrated approach to gradually capacitate the LCs’ members according to their needs , and in a relevant timeline to their duties and circumstances throughout the term. Starting with the 1st-CB wave that includes basic topics and skills to guide the LCs’ general members and local team to embark on their term , and ending with the 3rd-wave with the most advanced of topics to prepare the LCs’ for their handover process , the wave system contributes to the personal development of our members in a hierarchy gradual approach. Highlighting the impact that we reached throughout the last 2 years :
- 2020/2021: We had 4 waves covering the year and by the end of the year the LCs had succeeded to achieve 290 sessions.
- 2021/2022: We had 3 waves and by the end of the year the LCs achieved 495 sessions with a reach of 9729 attendees and 20 LCs contacted different CB activities introducing to their LCs the new culture of CB aside from Training Sessions.
National CB Fair
Following IFMSA-Egypt’s continuous growth and development in the capacity building experience we offer to our members ; this term shall mark a new milestone in the journey of the CBSD. This term , for the first time ever , the CBSD National Team will be establishing and coordinating a Capacity Building fair in our National General Assemblies ; through which the Local Committees will be able to show and highlight their major capacity building initiatives and compete to prove their innovation , sustainability and success in the magical world of capacity building.
International Representation & Achivements
AM22 CB Fair:
IFMSA-Egypt participated in and won the 1st Capacity Building fair organized through the NMO management session in AM 2022 which took place in Turkey.
”Most Sustainable Project” was the award that IFMSA-Egypt won as they were impressed by our waving system and its capability to reach and capacitate our members on different levels.
And the marvelous part for the jury was our hierarchical steps in implementing our waves from basic to advanced level to capacitate our members from their first baby steps until they are qualified enough to be the second line in their LCs.
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